SMS Bulk Indonesia, SMS Indonesia, SMS Bulk, SMS Broadcast, Mobile Advertising, Software Development, SMS, Web Design, Web Maintenance
Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising is a form of advertising via mobile (wireless) phone or other mobile devices. Recently most people see mobile advertising closely to mobile phone users, that came estimably to a global total of 4.6 billion as of 2009, and around 150 millions in Indonesia at respective year.
Compare to other conventional media such as magazine and newspaper, mobile advertising offers several competitive advantages :
Right on target
There are more than 150 million mobile phone users all over Indonesia as potential market. Of course not all them are your product's target segment. Mobile advertising provides a solution for the advertiser to classify mobile phone users based on age, location, gender, and other variables to form a profiling of your market segment.
Customer feedback as effectiveness measurement tools
The effectiveness of mobile ad campaign can be measured in a variety of ways. The main measurement are impression (views) and click through rates. Additional measurement include conversion rates, such as click to rates and other degree of interactive measurement, even sms content received on your mobile phone can be used as voucher for certain product.
A commercial text message service (sms) with customized masking sender ID. It can be set as your company name, brands, products, or promotion program. Mostly used by companies to promote their products and sms alert of due date payment, birthday message, and others.
Currently this service being applied on most business sectors like Automotive, Banking, Financial Institution, Hospital, Insurance, Properties, Consumer Goods, Logistic Service, and others.
Interactive SMS
A modified sms format, where recipient is able to decide whether to explore further the message received by click displayed menu or ignore it. Main goal of interactive SMS s to gain response from customer from the message received. This service provides option to choose your recipient target based on city and gender.
Mostly interactive sms implementation used for Download ringtone, wallpaper, games, also vote, poll, quiz.

Corporate RBT
A commercial audio tool set as Ring Back Tone (RBT) to promote your products campaign. A multiplier effects that allow hundreds even thousands of people will listen to your campaign every time they call to mobile number that set your campaign as Ring Back Tone (RBT). Content depends on your needs, whether a product introduction, discount, or other promotion program.
Mass commercial messages broadcast to large number of people at targeted area. It is your decision to set broadcast time as well as selecting target area which is it can be Mall, School, Hospital, Bus or train Station, Exhibition Hall, Hotel, Airport, and even inter city Free Way.
Message format can be a bulk sms format or MMS format with insertion logo which can be used as virtual voucher of your products within the targeted area.